Why the Right is Right Part 2: Immigration

General Introduction

Coming to the United States of America from any foreign country is a privilege not a right, period.

The false notion that coming to the U.S.A is a right and not a privilege is destructive for the simple fact that certain cultures are not compatible with each other. If we just let anyone in, like liberals want, we will end up like Germany, Sweden or Belgium. If you Google search Malmo, Sweden, the first results you see are, ¨refugee rape gangs¨, ¨what refugees did to Sweden¨, ¨Malmo on bomb alert.”  Also, prior to 2005, Sweden was one of the safest countries in the world and now they are the rape capital of western Europe. Furthermore, no country has an obligation to take in any refugees.

Legal Versus Illegal Immigration

Legal immigration in most cases is a good thing because it can bring in hard working people that pay taxes and contribute to society. If someone comes to the United States legally, they are subject to background checks prior to their entry.  This is not the case for illegal immigrants. Illegal Immigration under any circumstance is bad.  Illegals do not pay taxes, steal jobs from hard working Americans, smuggle drugs, and can commit crimes. In a study conducted with over 15,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide, including federal agencies like ICE, it has been proven that illegal immigrants are 3.3x more likely to commit violent crimes than legal immigrants and native born citizens. This leads to illegal immigrants being overrepresented in crime statistics.

Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany told Germans to embrace “multiculturalism.” Germans did as she said and it has failed. What did she do when it failed? She brought in even more refugees and created a “tolerance” campaign to stop “discrimination” against refugees. Angela, should Germany really allow people into their country from places where rape is the norm? Far too many of the refugees do not want peace, they do not come to seek asylum, and they certainly do not come to fit in with the populous. They want to take over and they will not stop until they have the west at their knees.  According to Daily Mail (United Kingdom), refugees have committed 145,500 crimes. Those crimes are just what have been committed in 2016 and Angela plans to continue to bring in more refugees; If we let this continue who knows how many more crimes will be committed in 2017. Also, it is not just Germany with the problem, the whole Eurozone is in trouble. The Nice, France, terror attacks have been linked to a Pakistani terrorist who posed as a refugee.

How Donald Trump Saved The U.S.A

The former president, Barack Obama, wanted to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants and he also wanted to take in refugees like Angela Merkel but as we all know his administration ended. Donald Trump has ended the amnesty to illegal immigrants and has began deporting them; he stopped people which we have no information about and who have also broken the law from being able to reside in our country. In Mexico if you were residing there illegally you would be deported with no questions asked. Why is it such a big deal when America deports illegal immigrants? As a country America has the right to deport anyone residing in the country illegally.

In conclusion, the United States of America should learn from the mistakes of other countries, we tried it the way the leftists wanted and it failed, people I urge you to pressure your congressmen to be in support of laws that counter the dangerous policies the left have enacted.

Why the Right is Right Part 3: Gun Rights

States, townships and municipalities should be prohibited from making ANY law that obstructs and or outright bans people from arming themselves and having the right to conceal their firearm and carry it in public as this is illegal. Case in point, in 2015 Chicago put a complete ban on the purchasing of firearms and began confiscating the firearms of people. A federal judge ruled it unconstitutional.

We Have A Problem, But It’s Not The Guns

Guns don’t kill people. People who have the guns do and many of these people who have guns either have underlying issues or have unlicensed weapons. All people should be able to have guns, excluding minors, emotionally impaired and insane persons. According to the NRA, numerous studies conducted by the federal government show that criminals are not getting their guns from legal markets. Most of the criminals are getting the guns from cartels like the ones in Sinaloa and Culiacán that are smuggling them across the border. Instead of disarming people who are trying to protect themselves, their families, and their property, law enforcement should be targeting the cartels. Donald Trump said it better than I could and he said to President Nieto of Mexico, ¨If the Mexican Army cannot handle the cartels, I will send U.S. Army Troops and handle it myself.”

The five most heavily armed states (and one district) in order are Wyoming, District of Columbia, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Virginia. According to World Atlas, the state of Wyoming ranks 48th in the nation on violent crime. Eureka! Maybe this is because criminals know that people in Wyoming have guns and can defend themselves. Imagine you are a criminal, would you rather mug someone in a neighborhood where everyone carries concealed weapons and pepper spray or would you rather mug someone in a neighborhood where the local government is disarming people? Also, when was the last time you heard of a violent crime or mass shooting in one of those states?

What Leftists and Their Sources Say

Liberals and Leftists that disagree with me say that the solution to crime is not to arm the people but rather to increase police and government presence. The problem with that is the increased power to police and government is that it will lead to one of three possible outcomes.

  1. An authoritarian government; 2. Mob rule which will lead the mob to put one person forth leading to tyranny 3. The high costs of enforcing these laws will cause economic collapse.

According to Hillary Clinton, “We cannot let a minority of people—and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people—hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.”

What she said can easily be dismantled. Yes, Sandy Hook and Columbine were horrible events. However, just recently a concealed carrier stopped a would-be school shooter at a community college and another concealed carrier stopped a would-be terrorist from causing a massacre at a nightclub. There are numerous examples of similar incidents but the bias liberal media won’t show you that.

What Guns Rights Activists Say

It’s often been said, “Violence never solved anything.” The simple truth is that when you are slammed up against the wall and the knife is at your throat, when a circle of teenagers is kicking you as you curl into a ball on the sidewalk, or when a man walks into your office building or school with an automatic weapon and starts shooting, only violence, or the reasonable threat of violence, is going to save your life.  Rory Miller is accurate when he said, “In the extreme moment, only force can stop force.” It takes an equal amount of force to stop force.  When I was assaulted in seventh grade, it took force to injure my attacker.

Other quotes that I agree with include:

“Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people.¨ Luke Scott

¨If you took away all the guns from legal gun owners then the only people who have guns would be the bad guys.¨ Bruce Willis

Finally, guns are not the problem the choking restrictions on them are. If all states were like Wyoming, with the high number of registered gun owners, then maybe Chicago would not be compared to Iraq (Chi-raq).